Request for critique.

Feb 10, 2011 05:16

So, I have recently joined this fine community, and I figure that really, I ought to throw my own characters up here to get violently attacked shot down fed to Deathwing... I mean, examined.

First, my main. Who is a DK. I can hear the groans and the knives being sharpened already.

Frostshard Grimtotem has a long, rich, colorful backstory to him, which I'm sure we'd all be fascinated by if it weren't for the fact that good old Arthy wiped pretty much every last memory from his skull that death didn't take. In fact, he's not even sure if he's a Grimtotem - he just assumes he is, since, hey, they want to kill everything that doesn't agree with him, Scourge wanted to kill everything, therefore I'm a Grimtotem. Then there is the... other parts of his backstory.

Tirion saving his butt at Light's Hope may have freed him from the Lich King's control, but now he has a few screws loose. He wants to be a paladin, or as close as he can manage. He wears the Argent Crusade tabard, fanboys over Tirion (okay, he has an outright mancrush on him), and generally behaves as he thinks a paladin would. His interactions with most of the Ebon Blade in Acherus are essentially, "hello Highlord! Goodbye Highlord!" as he dashes out of the Hold as fast as he can. The fact that the Tauren have Sunwalkers now makes him squee as much as he's still able to do so.

He's perfectly preserved which is a strike against him, but it's what his character model shows, so...

The Light still won't touch him with a thirty-foot halberd, of course. Even if it was pointy end first.

Next part, which I'm considering excising entirely from his backstory: he was an elder for the Grimtotem, post-Scourge Happened. I actually do have a semi-sensible reason for it, but it still strikes me a little too much as lorebending until it creaks dangerously.

The plot went, in short, the other Tauren elders were getting fed up with Magatha and tried to come up with a replacement, or at least someone to counterbalance her. They ended up picking Frost because he's already dead and can't be killed again because if he "mysteriously vanished", the rest of the Ebon Blade would start asking questions. It was essentially a longshot that, "hey, maybe they'll listen to this guy and not Magatha". Meanwhile, Frost was busily farting around in Northrend dodging all the responsibility that he could because no one bothered to tell him any of this. Post-Cata, with Baine's "Join or GTFO", it's just a little silly.

Secondly! I have a most entertaining concept that was suggested by someone in this very group- Anahkrrik, the Nerubian-in-a-Forsaken-body.

I chose the mage class for him because, even if he was able to run in his new body (hah, no, he still hasn't gotten the hang of two legs properly), I doubt he'd have the balance to swing anything heavier than a book and not fall over. He prefers the frost spec, mostly because "that's what the Scourge used" - not that he admits why he likes it - though he's also getting an interest in arcane magics.

He's an alchemist - not an Apothecary, he gets rather testy at getting called one - and is evil. Not the "mwahahaha I kick puppies" evil, more the slow, soul-degrading jerkass who's there to spread his suffering. So far, only one person really knows his origin, and that's because he "zztill cannot zzhake zzzpeaking with thizzz buzzz". Said person is also a Death Knight, who would sensibly know what the Nerubians sound like up close and personal.

Anah started out researching potions and plants to try to come up with a way to kill or re-kill the ones responsible for his new body, but eventually developed a love of pure research and testing. In a weird, creepy way, this has also made him an effective medic - it won't be pleasant, but you will get fixed up by the time he's done with you. Just don't volunteer to help with anything. Anah is not perfectly preserved; he has pieces missing, rotting off, or just generally being icky. He's also given up on correcting the pronunciation of his name, since everyone around him lacks the mouthparts to pronounce "Ana'krrk" properly.

*Bows.* You may begin slinging stones, comrades.

Blagh ninja edit for clarification on small parts and grammur 'cuz I iz good riter.

earthen ring, perfectly preserved undead, wall of text, death knight, then scourge happens, exposition

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