If You Meet Xivarius on the Road, Troll Him!

Jan 30, 2011 14:01

Ten points if you get the reference.

But seriously, if you see this guy, you have my permission-nay, my urging- to troll him for his ridiculous wiki page.  It's not that  bad, but somehow, it's still terrible.  Maybe it's this:

"As mankind grows, the world declines. As we learn, we leave others in ignorance. As we expand, we find ourselves growing few and fewer in number. For what? Even the wisest do not truly know what motivates all of Humanity. Our history is written in blood and as blood soaks the lands we settle I shall be their bane. The herald who shall usher doom upon all men."-Xivarius
For some reason I'm just seeing that one fifteen-year-old kid who wears a lot of black, has painted fingernails and rambles about how whatever band of the now is just the deepest thing ever.

Also,  he definitely stole that image on his page and I fully plan on moderating his ass into the ground for it.

Update:  You may notice that Xivarius was slow on the draw and another mod beat him to fixing his egregious stupidity.  Being ever the diplomat and humanitarian, I replaced the image with something more positive and public domain-ey.  I'm sure he'll take that big gay bunnyman down, but still, stealing is wrong.

wikicrap, moon guard is made of fail

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