I'm baaaaaack! Beware, sues of WrA...

Jan 10, 2011 10:53

Ayup. My baby gobba Neema's taken up Gareka's Suehunting mantle, and she already found several lovelies while passing through Org.

Up first: Joke, yes? Please? (I feel like I know this name, which means either he's smadi as what's been posted afore, or he's one of those folks like Borgen and I'mma feel dumb for not knowing)

Neema's not fond of people who hate her right off the bat.

Then there's this one. I know Gareka tracked her down before, in SMC. But now she's got a priest alt, Chillandraa! Sooooo clearly meant to be the same character... She also seems to have gotten prettier. *gag*

"Lunar face." Neema's got to remember that one for her writing... though it conjures more images of a victim of a pox than of anything meant to be beautiful.

Pretty sure this one's a joke, but it gave me a laugh. (if it's not a joke, I think I might cry)

Now we have an "oh so speshul lookit my blue eyes and remember those are supar speshul for orcs!!1!" chick who also doesn't know the timeline.

Hon, if you're gonna bother ta learn about the eyes, could ya also take the time to look up where ya woulda been born?

Then there was a mood orc!


And last, a pic I found lurking in my screenshots from a while ago on Emerald Dream. This chick was actually in my guild, too, though I don't know if she's still there.

Love them less-than flawed flaws and that self-inflicted back scar (how does one even *do* that?)

Ack, almost forgot: I wanted to bounce an idea off y'all. I've got this character concept for a Tauren paladin:  a Grimtotem who acccepted Baine's deal and is now trying to help make up for the damage her tribe caused. She would have not been part of the coup, I guess, since the Light's not fond of murderers usually. But anyway she'd have to really toe the line and try to be a super good member of Tauren society, out of fear of getting banished, and she'd have this atoner schtick. Is that too Suey?

flagrsp, look at moi, grimtotem, lore-crushing, satire, blood elf, wyrmrest accord, cataclysm, high elf

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