Huntin' Wasckily Wabb... Err.. Worgen!

Dec 16, 2010 14:36

Greetings all! As you may or may not know, depending on your faction, we have been beset upon by a plague of Lycanthropes. I am currently leveling a Dorph Shaman on beautiful Wyrmrest Accord and have decided to share with you, my cynical, snarky friends, my collection of Worgen that I have gained thus far. Mind you this collection was obtained with maybe an hour in the P&W a night over a week as I busted my ass leveling from 1-71 so I am sure there are -many- more where these came from.

So I figured I'd start it off strong with this
cat here. He had no description at all
but with a biography making you a minor
noble who is the BFF of the king's son
do you really need one?

Please remember son... You are a Sue...

So here we have a "Mature" role player... Role Playing an
eleven year old boy...

Boy, where is your Momma?

Oh... here she is, wait should she be touching him there?
yes this is wolf-boy's over protective, lover/mother/dog walker
I dunno it's very shudder worthy no matter what she is

So yer a Were-Worgen eh? Does that mean you're a Gnome
who transforms into a Human who then transforms into a

Speaking of "Mature" role players, this guy not only tries too
hard and fails at purple prose, he's not even a normal
Worgen, he's a Bloodfang, whatever the hell that is

If you want my body... And you think I'm sexy...

This guy, I'm not even sure what to say about. I think he's
taking this half breed thing a little too far.

What the fuck does that even mean?

Here is another one I'm not sure what to make of. She spends
more effort explaining and describing her jewelry than anything
and doesn't even feel the need to give us a single sentence
describing her hybrid form. Not sure if I am thankful for that
or not.

At least if I were role playing a pick pocket I'd know exactly
what to take!

Finally we conclude our foray into the realm of actual worgen
this last one is special to me because it illustrates exactly why
I am beginning to hate role playing in WoW. You'd think it'd be
enough to be a fucking Lycanthrope but no... No some people
just gotta take it to the upper limits. I give you the Avatar of

Oh you have three forms? Well isn't that special!

Now we head into darker alleys my friends. We move from
normal everyday Worgen to the special snowflakes of the
special snow flakes. The Non-Human and Not a Worgens,

Now I was really hoping to find more of these and I know there
are many more but at least I did find one. What is that you may
ask? Well it's Kaldorei Worgen of Course!

So your Ipod was on shuffle when you wrote this?

So where this cat's description is lacking his biography more
than makes up for it!

Just one fabulous uncut wall of text!

The next couple are some interesting ones. The Not-a-Worgen
smacktards. Here's a hot tip. If you don't want to be a fucking

I love this guy's disclaimer. "I'm gonna be a total dick to everyone
I see but don't be mad bro I'm j/k j/k lol j/k!"

Yeah he went insult to insult with my Wildhammer the
other day. To say he lost would be a major understatement.

OK, now this guy is interesting. I am not sure what the fuck
he thinks he is, I will simply let you guys read it all and decide
for yourselves.

Not too bad of a profile. Could lose the bit about being a
spy and the spechul aura but not terrible.

Yes, you did read that right...

Finally I bring us to the end of this tour of the fun house my friends
I hope you enjoyed your time with us on WrA and I do hope
you find the time to join us once again. As a parting gift, I offer
you this!

And the award for trying way too fucking hard and failing at Satire
goes tooo.....

This guy!

So not only are you not-a-worgen. You're not
even a fucking Azerothian Gnoll? You're a
fucking Greyhawk Gnoll? Oh man this is so
funny! Oh wait, no this is fucking stupid.
Please come back and try again later. Thanks!

blatant erper, furry, yer doin it wrong, wyrmrest accord, blatant satire, crossover, flagrsp, not a worgen, purple prose, terreble evil, furvert, wankery, lolwhut, worgen, emo bullcrap, over 9000

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