Unable to comprehend

Nov 22, 2010 16:59

for all that is holy, please tell me this is a satire. PLEASE. I don't think my brain can handle this if it isn't.


his OOC information should tell you everything you need to know. I for one couldn't get through that wall of text..

"Vaalin is a player character who roleplays in a very strange way, bordering on the anti-lore. He roleplays using real life elements, such as Christianity, and has single-handedly designed a new style of roleplay, which he calls "Religious Fantasy Crossover Roleplaying". He claims it to be an offshoot of Meta-Gaming, and he is understanding about it's position as a "convtroverial style of roleplay". He is constantly attacked by "Lore Nazis" (His name for people who cannot tolerate others who warp the fabric of WoW lore), and persecuted for his roleplaying style, but he remains steadfast in his roleplay, finding people who are accepting of his style, and roleplays with them at every opportunity he has. Blizzard has commented on Vaalin's RP style, but has not suspended or banned him for it... yet. "

I was browsing wowwiki looking for the mats I needed for the engineering flying machine when I noticed that "pic recently added" section had one of those dime a dozen "both black and white winged" anime characters.

I made the mistake of tracking down the wiki it was connected to.

"Lucifer is a very complex individual, with no one true personality. He has shown no characteristics of his true self, assimilating himself to the environment around him"

apprently he's a 33 million year old, russian communist, lucifer who has been traveling to different universes. Universes like the Star Trek universe and Wow universe.

Why does he refer to himself in the third person in his ooc section? is he really just that crazy? or is it that fad that teens go through where they think refering to themselves in the third person in cool.

For those whos brains blanked out like mine did, here's some of the highlights of his history in WOW

As he maintained order in the Forsaken, so too did he maintain close ties with Sylvanas, making sure she was well taken care of, as well as “entertained”. Eventually, Lucifer became Sylvanas’ consort, serving her in politics and in the bedroom. After about a year under her service, Sylvanas openly announced her love for Lucifer, and proposed to him. After another couple months, they became married, and Lucifer became the Dark Lord of the Forsaken, now remolded into the Greater Forsaken Empire at his behest. They seceded from the Horde and absorbed Quel’thalas into the nation, taking over most of the Northern continent of the Eastern Kingdoms. The Forsaken had grown into a strong Empire in only a month, but Lucifer had only begun his work.

Upon his secession from the Horde, he opened diplomatic ties with the Alliance, who grudgingly accepted this. He also kept diplomacy with the Horde open as well, serving as a neutral country favoring both the Alliance and the Horde. He commonly spoke of the Forsaken Empire serving as a center of commerce and negotiations between the 2 spiteful nations. As successful as the Forsaken were in diplomacy, it was not the case in the royal bedroom. As time went by, Sylvanas’ and Lucifer’s marriage had deteriorated, and eventually, they issued a divorce. From the divorce, Lucifer inherited the full Forsaken Empire, and became the sole ruler of the Undead. He then issued a warrant for Sylvanas’ arrest, and threw her in the dungeons below Undercity, for her “betrayal of the Dark Lord”. Even today, she continues to fester and rot in the dungeons below, being tormented day and night for her crimes.
Wow, it is just me, or is it utterly disturbing that he banished Sylvanas to eternal torment for breaking off a marraige he was completely neglecting?

Lucifer walked into the Frozen Throne and resurrected the armies of the Alliance and Horde, then proceeded to engage the Lich King in one-on-one combat. After many minutes of swordplay, spellcasting, and show of force, Lucifer dealt a powerful blow against the Lich King, striking him down with all his force, as the Lich King’s corpse fell to the ground. Lucifer then proceeded to pick up the Helm of Domination, and told Tirion that he would have to keep the Scourge in control, so he donned the crown and became the new Lich King. To this day, he remains the Lich King, but he has retained his individuality, uncorrupted by the original spirit of the first Lich King.

Because who cares about Bolvar, right?

and now this, because I'm not a huge Star Trek fan and even this makes me rage beyond belief.

In this universe, Lucifer took control of a faction known as the Borg Collective and took their Queen as his mate. During this time, he turned the Collective from a Hive Mind of vicious drones into an army of Christian Crusaders to spread God’s Word throughout the galaxy.

crossover, wikicrap, terreble evil, lore-crushing, yer doin it wrong, lolwhut, wyrmrest accord, emo bullcrap, yer doing it wrong, ow my retinas, controversial statement, lore crushing

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