WrA part 1

Sep 18, 2010 17:57

I've got a loooooad of flags.  About forty of them to be exact.  I don't know how many post I'll break them up in but yeah...

Click the images to see the full size. There may or may not be very NSFW ads tied to some of the images...

But first up!  This isn't a flag.  I believe there was a mention of this guy several posts ago.  I tried to track it down to link but alas I failed.

I don't have the whole RP session just just the tail end of it.  My guildmate didn't bother to inform us of the going ons until well into it.  Apparently he was asked by this...angel, to kill the elf so she could be raised by the angel as a DK.  Right...  Obviously that didn't happen.

Honestly this one was capped for his long ass title...

Capped because she had to say she's a virgin... I don't think she had anything written in her flag or I would have had a cap of it.

Capped because of her name. Too close to Azshara for my liking, although he flag is rather...interesting as well.

A five year old child...as played by a gnome.

Once again another capped mainly for the name. Male human DK, not that you'd know that by the last name as Frostmane are Trolls.

Found this one hanging around Stormwind.

Another child running around on it's own. This time an Orc that's apparently a weather witch in training? IDK

Honestly I just loved this one's description lol.

And lastly! The bastard son of Kael'thas. I think I saw another one running around that was claiming to be a prince Sunstrider but I thought it was this guy so I didn't bother to look at his flag.

Oh how I hope it's a troll...a terribad troll.

crossover, silly name, terreble evil, wall of text, highbourne, you make me sic, yer doin it wrong, blood elf, pretty princess, lolwhut, ruined forever, wyrmrest accord, death knight, lore crushing

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