I'm sorry, I'm off editing myself to make me more awesome.

May 09, 2010 12:14

One of the "rules" of most Server wikis is to avoid tying your character specifically to killing bosses/finishing quests/whatever. The basic premise behind this rule is that, simply put, otherwise each Wiki would have a zillion peopel who had, say, killed Van Cleef, which is probably not condusive to building a coherent RP environment. (That being said, "Coherent RP environment" is pretty much a myth, but...) Certainly, its one of those cases of "Gameplay and Story segragation" that you just have to bite down and deal with.

Unfortnately, the Warcraft Fanon Wiki does not have any such policies simply due to its nature. This is both a good thing and a bad thing; good becuse it allows writers to build their characters in an envrionment where they do not trip over other people's stories. Bad, beccause it can lead to some pretty awful self-congradulatory tripe.

Like this

Sir Andrew is a human Pally. And is awesome. And has one of the longest character profiles on the wiki dedicated to talking about just how awesome he is. He's a veteran of the third war, one of the alliance's most capable tacticians, has killed more Death Knights then anyone else and fought all of the Four Horsemen alone. And that's just in the opening paragraph.

And from there it only gets worse. Every paragraph brings an ever-continuing escalation of feats of how awesome and amazing and studly and hadnsome he is. He's brave, he's loyal, he's dedicated, he's an expert tactician, he leads form the front, he's dead sexy and so on and so forth.

But its when we get to his history that it gets trully vomitious. He never loses a fight, never suffers any sort of personal setback (Though he has family in Lorderon, no mention is made of what happened to them, of course) and so on. In the third war alone, he manages to save hundreds of people form the Scouge, hold the undead at bay and, natrually, knows well ahead of time abouth ow Bad and Evil Garithos is.

From there he goes on to allways win in WSG, AB and AV, as well as"hold the entire Alliacne Army together just simpyl by being that awesome. Obviously Bolivar Fordragon had nothign to do with this at all, no sir! In fact, he's so awesome that Katrina Prestor secretly plots to get rid of him. Naturally, this fails and only serves to make him more awesome.

And that's still just the start. He goes to Havenshire and New Avalon during the Death Knight Start Zone storyline and manages to slay, ooh a squillion or so DKs while allowing the innocent civillians to esvcape, and yet manages not to get obliterated by Frostwyms. And he then fights at the battle of Lights Hope where he nearly turns the tide all on his own. But then some guy called Foridring turns up and goes and saves them all. Fortunately, our hero is there to offer some token congradulations to him.

And then it's off to Icecrtown where he basically does every single quest in Wrath all on his own and delights in retelling every last one of them in excutiatibng detail, explaining how awesome he is, how many Death Knights he offs and how everyone around him offers their congradulations on his awesomeness. No matter what happens, he comes out of it a Big Damn Hero, lookign as awesome as possible and being showered with praise. Even when he defies orders and risks court-matial, he still saves the day and is, of course, cleared of all wrongdoing.

Oh, did I mention his love interest? Naturally, it's a one-dimensional Blood Elf who is incredibly beautiful, loves him in spite of racial and political divides and doesn othing except be a prop to him. So, in other words, standard issue.

So yeah, epic crap there. And, to make it more annoying, there's nothing in there that's against the Wiki's policies. Of course, at the same time, neither is making fun of it...

wikicrap, wall of text

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