The Blood Elves of Sentinels...

Nov 17, 2009 00:13

Honestly can these tards get any worse?

The thin elf is thin!

The lore rape, it make us bleed with the pain!

This next horrifail spectacular has been here a
couple times before, each time with a different
awful RSP, you may remember her as the moron
with the Chastity Belt of Protection +100. I guess
she thought the third time was the charm.

She was wrong.

so wrong...

so very, very -WRONG-!

The sad part is I have several friends both in game and in real life who play Blood Elves and I kinda feel bad about talking shit about them all the time, then I see smacktards like these and remember exactly why I hate them and wish the Horde had never been tainted with'em.

sentinels, wall of text, you make me sic, yer doin it wrong, blood elf, dragon in disguise, lolwhut, wankery, over 9000, demon, lore crushing, high elf

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