I’ve oft commented that the RP on ThoBro is as dead as a Zombie that has just cut down, set fire to and left to rot in the snow for the last three weeks. But every now and then I see something that makes me realise that not just is the RP dead, but we’d be better off if everyone just admitted it and moved on
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I have a problem with most "RP Tavern/Inns" period. I think it's rather arrogant and just a bit rude to just come inot a joint and say "OK! This place is MINE!" if you want to RP as a Bartender, or a Bar Maid or whatever sure, not a problem. But to come in and lay stakes on a piece of in-game property like that is a bit overboard.
I'm gonna have to side with DB on this one, -most- RP Taverns are doomed to failure. Just because people use the same building does not mean the taverns that came before the current one you're pretending to sit in have not failed if they're changing owners and names it means the one before it -failed-.
Kinda amusing story, the other day I saw an advert in trade for an RP event on my server and basically these people decided that they were going to just take over our largest RP hub in the city and throw an event. Now I found this pretty rude and decided to express my dismay about said invasion.
Man oh man did that cause a shit storm, not a single person understood my complaint I got told to "RP or GTFO" and I'm the leader of the server's oldest heavy role playing guild *laughs* it was magical! Not to mention the people throwing this event are of the "Undead Carpet Muncher" variety and just all around terribad role players, which makes it even worse!
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