Leigah Windstar was once a huntress of the Sin'dorai. She spent her days in the woods hunting and defending her people. Leigah battle was ending by the wrath of a cruel being known as the Lich King.
How it all begun:
Hagiel was captured by some death knights servents of the Lich King, she was tortured until she just gave up hope. Hope was lost and she died the most horrible death.
Leigah opened her eyes and looked around. Where am I she said the herself. "You're in hell." a small tiny voice came from the dark. Leigah appeared searchingly. Out steps a beautiful draneai death knight with same color hair as Leigah. "Who are you?" Leigah asked the Draneai. "My name is Ozma." replied the Draneai.
Leigah stood up and looked her body in a shattered mirror. No longer the petiet Sin'Dorai she once was. She looked at her long animal like legs and her tail. She had horns and tenticals. Her skin was dark purple blue and she had her silver hair still. Her eyes were white instead of fel green. Leigah looks at Ozma and asked "Who are you?"
Ozma paused "I would be your sister in death. We have taken the same sur name the King gave us." Leigah looked around and saw she was in armor already. "The King wants us Leigah" Ozma grabbed her hand and took her through the door.
So it all begins with Death...
This idea struck in my head while talking to
serenamina I figured Leigah will be my get away toon. She is going to be played like I play Hagiel. I am going to keep her hairstyle the same.
serenamina and I want to start a guild over here too. I want to see how far I can get. My main will always be Hagiel.
I will get Leigah the basic mount speeds the flying mount skill along with epic and cold weather. She will have very little things on her because Hagiel being my main toon.
Also I rolled a NElf hunter named her Ohara and BE mage her name is Diamonds :3 They will not see past level 30. They will be level up just to get the first mount and role play only.
I have so many other characters lol oops.