Rough draft submission is closed and we've received 14 drafts!
If you've received a confirmation email from us, please check that your name is on the list below. And a note to authors, please remember that at final posting your fic must either be 20,000 words or more OR within 500 words of the 20,000 word mark.
List of Authors
archae_ologybuffyaddict13cala_janeeudaimonkahtyasofiakubislakeeffectgirlnewredshoesbookstorequeernoelia_gpassionofmindpjvilarpoutmetersidrin This also means that crafter signups are closed too. If you've signed up, please check your name is on the list below. If your name is here in error, please let us know.
List of Participating Crafters
aubreyrosecala_janechemfisheechrismmcolourmeshockedcrediniaethdeeraneegotistsfishandcheeseflyingmachinejeanquiriepluskomadrejaLillydeanLizardoflightlunatics_wordmaiahahamelloniel pticha21redangel618refcheskew_whiffskyearth85sly_fucksolookupsteppsswiiftlythe_liftedloraxxlickthesparkyourmaturity Fic summaries will be posted on Friday, September 3rd at 5p.m. PST / 8p.m. EST / Midnight GMT. The claims post will go live half an hour later at 5:30p.m. PST / 8:30p.m. EST / 12:30a.m. GMT. Please make plans to be around for a good half hour after it goes live or until you receive confirmation from us.