Please comment here to sign up for the 2010
warbigbang season as a crafter. You may use the following form to sign up:
Please note:
- Comments are screened so that crafters' email addresses aren't out in the open. We'll post a list of crafters who've signed up.
- Crafts can be anything (art, fanmixes, vids, etc) as long as you make it and it can be presented with the author's fic.
- Art can be a vid, original illustration, manip, or cover art. You must create at least one piece for your claimed story. Art may be explicit, however we do recommend that you okay that with your author first.
- Mixes must be at least 6 songs.
- Sign ups will close September 1st, midnight PST.
- Claims will open September 3rd.
- A rough draft of your art and/or mix will be due by October 3rd.
- Posting will begin by assignment October 10th.
For further information/rules, to see the complete schedule, or to ask questions/email the Mod Team, please
see the FAQ! Please do not comment here with questions for the mods.
Happy creating!
Participating Crafters (28)
colourmeshockedchrissmmflyingmachinesly_fuckredangel618skew_whiffcrediniaethmelloniel skyearth85steppskomadrejamaiahahajeanquirieplusaubreyroserefcheegotistsfishandcheesechemfisheelizardoflightlillydeanexsequarxlickthesparkthe_liftedloraxlunatics_wordcaersmanedeerane