GK fic: Making Clouds From the Ashes, by kubis

Nov 20, 2012 20:56

Title: Making Clouds From the Ashes
Author: kubis
Crafter: be_cum and lunatics_word
Fandom: Generation Kill
Characters/Pairings: Brad (it's his POV), Nate, Ray, Walt, Poke, and a few of other GK characters; from HP series: Ginny Weasley, Minerva McGonagall, and a couple of others, but all of them are secondary at best. As far as pairings go: Brad/Nate, mainly; background Ray/Walt and Poke/Gina; past Brad/Ginny Weasley is mentioned
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 20,312
Warnings: there's sex and swearing; as it is a post-war story, there are mentions of things that could happen to a person after that - nightmares and flashbacks, mostly, but there's also a mention of suicide (no one of the main or even secondary characters, but if it’s something that could be triggering for you: [spoiler]it’s a teenage suicide and one of the characters reacts with anger towards that person)
Summary: Harry Potter AU/fusion. Brad, Nate, Ray, and others, are starting their last year at school a couple months after the Battle of Hogwarts. It's a story about that year, and about figuring out how to move on after the war and how to deal with the rest of their lives coming up fast.

Link to Fic: Making Clouds From the Ashes
Links to Craft:
be_cum’s amazing vid is here
lunatics_word’s awesome art is here

pairing: fick/colbert, rating: nc-17, fandom: generation kill

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