Title: A History of Summer
newredshoesCrafter 1:
skew_whiffCrafter 2:
crediniaethFandom: Band of Brothers (primary); The Pacific (secondary); A League of Their Own (fusion)
Character/Pairing(s): Large ensemble;
Winters, Nixon, Christenson, Compton, Gordon, Guarnere, Heffron, Liebgott, Lipton, Luz, Malarkey, More, Muck, Perconte, Powers, Ramirez, Randleman, Roe, Sobel, Speirs, Talbert, Webster; Basilone, Conley, Haldane, Leckie, Philips, Rodriguez, Shelton, Sledge; cameos from these and other Spanks productions too;
chart of paratrooper-Peach name changesRating: Gen, Teen (language, brief sexual content)
Word Count: 45,868
Warnings: It's the 1940s. People say and do things that we will not and should not like.
Summary: In 1943, Stanhope Nixon established the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. That summer four teams of fifteen women each dazzled the nation with their grace, their guts and their game. An oral history of the Rockford Peaches.
Link to Fic:
A History of SummerLink to Craft 1:
Chapter art, baseball cards and header by
skew_whiffLink to Craft 2:
Snap, Crackle, Pop: Fanmix by
crediniaethLink to Craft 3:
Bonus mix by
eudaimon &spades
Thank you.