Sep 20, 2004 20:58
I doubt anyone will see this, but i'm posting this everywhere.
Old Country Buffet- I'm treating everyone who wants to go to the old country buffet this Sunday, not sure of a time, i would like everyone to specify when is good. Comment on my livejournal...IM me on KoRnKid8588, email me at or call me at 341 1665 if you have any questions
People Going already (that have said yes or maybe) I'll only take out about 15 of you, cuz i dont have THAT much moneys.
1. Jerry
2. Kate(but may be in the cape)
3. Kathy
4. Emily
5. Adri (she's invited, if she's around)
6. Mike
7. Christine
8. Demetris
9. Josh W (might have to work)
10. Rhea (said maybe)
I'm waiting to speak to:
1. Dan
2. Paul
3. Sarah
4. Theresa
5. Neil
6. Nicole
Do as you will, just as long as i get the message. I'm even on myspace.