David Rovics, 'Wounded Child No Surviving Family'

Sep 23, 2024 01:00

Wounded Child No Surviving Family

For six weeks now the bombing has continued
Every few minutes another child dies
Crushed without warning beneath the rubble of their homes
And that’s where her body lies
And those who are pulled out from the carnage
And who may just live to see another day
May first meet a doctor with a marker
Who will inscribe five letters down to say

Writing on the bodies of survivors
An acronym for anyone to see
WCNSF - Wounded Child
No Surviving Family

Entire families missing from the register
Since they all lived and slept in the same
Tower block that generations shared
Now it’s just a street with a name
That last month had a row of buildings
That used to be alive with children playing
Now a doctor scrawls on an armless boy
As his parents, still, beneath the rubble decaying

Writing on the bodies of survivors
An acronym for anyone to see
WCNSF - Wounded Child
No Surviving Family

See the lifeless legs dangling at an angle
That tell you exactly how they died
One moment they were laying on a mattress
The next moment, the building opened wide
As a one-ton missile made in California
Was dropped upon it, and this is how
It became a grave for a whole extended family
Which is what it is now, as they’re…

Writing on the bodies of survivors
An acronym for anyone to see
WCNSF - Wounded Child
No Surviving Family

The US Navy guards the Mediterranean
To make sure nobody intervenes
With the bunker-busters smashing down the buildings
Each passing hour, another horrifying scene
Of living children crying for their mothers
As they limp past mountains of the dead
To the hospital that’s also being bombed
To the school that’s now a sea of red, as they’re…

Writing on the bodies of survivors
An acronym for anyone to see
WCNSF - Wounded Child
No Surviving Family

By David Rovics

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a music video, david rovics

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