If I ever see you again...

Jul 04, 2009 07:07

Since I've been up all night and REALLY don't want to make this entry about how people always let you down and my one beacon of hope who was supposed to be the exception just let me down.... I decided to record the past few weeks.

After finals and my mom's surgery, my summer has turned out to be all work and all play including John's birthday party, Geneve's graduation party, a Koffin Kats show, an extensive apartment search, saying farewell to Chad as he moved to California, throwing the first warehouse party, and going broke time after time because I kept paying off my bills and they somehow kept multiplying.

Dan and I have gotten into this collective of DJ's by happy accident through a friend of ours. We throw sweet oldschool style ravers in this warehouse. It's supposed to be what the rave should have evolved into instead of being repressed into bars and nightclubs. So far they're a success. For the last party we built a giant living room set with a 15-foot couch facing the giant TV that was the DJ booth. The entrance was a hallway that got shorter before you came into the room. Alice in Wonderland style. It was amazing and everyone had a great time. It's invite only which doesn't matter to me because I don't know anyone on the damn list anyway, but it does suck that I can't invite any of my friends.

Samsarah threw an event called D'Artique at the Annex which was this great showcase of local artists, bands, vendors, and performance artists. The thing went off without a hitch and will be an annual event in town. You all need to come next time because it's that amazing. I'll post details when I know them.
Geneve and I have been making hair pieces for a while, but recently started making mini top hats. We decided to sell them at the next D'Artique to see if there is interest. We know there's a market, we just have to see if the crazy stuff we do will get a response. It's something to try at least. Only we have to come up with a name, logo, and calling cards by October. Oh yeah, and a myriad of designs so we have inventory. I plan on getting the bulk of it done this summer because my 18 credit semester will allow no time for crafting.

On a side note, if anyone decides to go all Diva in my face about something that may or may not happen - as in yell at me now for a possibility of something they don't like happening in the near future - they can shut the fuck up and approach me like a human being and ask me like a friend if it will or won't happen. I'm so sick of people venting their fears about something that might go wrong as though it already has. It's unnecessary and I'm sick of being the punching bag.

Anyway, as it turns out, I have somewhat of a knack for organization and throwing parties. Who knew?

I got my Kings of Leon tickets an hour after they went on sale so I'm all set for September. I'm not excited about the size of the venue, but hey, what can you do?

So after working 9:30 to 6 today I'll be going out to Mount Horeb where a friend of mine is putting on a ginormous fireworks display with about $800 worth of fireworks. Plus really good barbecue and all my friends that live in Madison will be there.
I'm very excited for this however there are a few "friends of friends" that will be there that like to get all dramatic so if that happens I will actually leave and just say fuck it all. I'm sick of sparing people's feelings so our mutual friends won't be uncomfortable. I don't need anyone else's drama in my life. That's why I moved away from Milwaukee; I needed to distance myself from my involvement in drama-prone people's lives. It's not neccessarily them, but the company they choose to keep. They attracted it therefore I had to remove myself from that situation. If a close friend brings one of their friends I haven't met into my life, I can't really expect to hold them responsible for all their friends' actions, but I'd like a little warning about their character before I have to associate with them. Some fair warning would be nice.

The deep-seated truth of my friends in Madison is coming to the surface and I miss the days when I thought they were so much greater than that. Unfortunately the truth about people is that they will always let you down. I don't know how many times I have to learn that lesson before I remember it going into a situation. I don't want to lose all hope from the get-go, but I don't want to be let down as hard anymore. I wish I could start with lower expectations and be pleasantly surprised, but that always feels so hopeless to me. Optimism and naievete seem so similar in hindsight.

I love Dan, I love my cat Conor, I love my sister and my parents and my brothers. I have amazing friends and I didn't expect them to be perfect, I guess I chose to be blind to their biggest flaws until now so it's really my fault for not noticing sooner.

I need amazing music to get through this work day. I should have slept mwahahahahahaha
I think I'll start with some MGMT then a little Airborne Toxic Event then a little As Tall As Lions then who knows from there!?

P.S. I met Jenny Lewis and it was pretty much awesome.
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