May 21, 2009 19:05
I got a Nickelodeon trivia game at work today to celebrate getting a really good 30 day review. They like me! :)
I'm really glad I have high self esteem now. I don't miss being insecure and naive and having lower standards than I should.
Having a really cute boyfriend helped. The fact that he tells me I'm pretty every day and loves me and takes care of me has a lot to do with it, but really it's just because he's cute, doi.
If you want to see me this summer let me know. You could come check out Madison or I can keep you on the list of people I have to call when I finally make a trip to Milwaukee. I want to see - Bea, Brad, Mac, and Mani. So far that's my mental list of people I want to make sure I see this summer.
Time to go plan a party.