Title: Potluck
Pairing: Seigaku Orgy GP. kind of :D
Rating: G
Words: 1700 actually. Exactly o.O
Summary: by Inui: My data confirms that this fic is at least 47% worse than Essa's. Also, contained inside is an example of my culinary expertise. *glasses gleam*
Notes: For Jazface's (a.k.a.
jazzyjello) fourth LJ anniversary. Portions betad by
rancidmelody and Moni, but not all because I do not finish things on time.
Jell-O, a.k.a. Part One, by
onlysayitonce ||
And Then a.k.a. Part Three, by
rancidmelody Eiji trails only a few inches behind Oishi, making sure that his roommate carries his Jell-O creation correctly. He doesn't stop to consider that hopping to peer over the taller boy's shoulder every few seconds as they walk up the stairs may be dangerous.
"Oishi! You're going to spill it!" Eiji tugs on Oishi's shoulder as soon as they reach the landing of the third flight of stairs.
Oishi shrugs him off, and starts off on the next set. "We've only got a little bit further to go, it' should be fine." Eiji pouts and mumbles that he doesn't understand why Tezuka would choose to live in a building without elevators. Oishi, of course, overhears, and reminds him that Tezuka hadn't had a choice in his dorm room location. Eiji still privately thinks that Tezuka probably secured an isolated room on purpose.
After Oishi has double and triple-checked the address he wrote on a small note card and stuffed down his pants pocket, Eiji tears open the door to Tezuka's dorm room.
"Hoi!" Eiji bounces inside, holding the door for Oishi, without properly looking around at who might already be in the room. He can feel his roommate beaming at Tezuka, and is thrilled that they have managed to come, despite the five flights of stairs and having to brave the evil supermarket.
"We brought Jell-O!" Eiji announces, turning around to see if there is anyone in a prime position for tackling. Instead of anyone he knows, (unless that is Kaidoh sulking on the floor) he sees an an embarrassed-looking student taking a small, squarish packet from Tezuka.
"Who are you, nya?"
Completely ignoring Oishi and Eiji's entrance, Tezuka nods at the Mysterious Stranger. "Don't get careless."
Stranger-boy bows and thanks Tezuka, before shoving past Eiji to sprint out of the room.
"That wasn't very nice, nya."
Looking only too eager to ignore the last three minutes, Oishi asks Tezuka if there is anywhere he can put Eiji's Jell-O Masterpiece.
"Over here should be fine." Tezuka gestures to his desk, where two bowls already lie amid a number of textbooks.
As Oishi goes to find a suitable place for the Jell-O, Eiji investigates the Kaidoh-lump at the foot of Tezuka's bed. He is blushing furiously. It must be because he's ashamed of what he made for the potluck. "Hoi! What'd you bring, Kaidoh?"
"Pasta salad."
"I didn't know you knew how to cook!" Eiji hops up to look at the dish. "Oh, this looks really good!" He lifts up the plastic wrap and sneaks a piece of green bowtie pasta. "Not quite as good as my Jell-O, though."
"Tch. My mom made it." Kaidoh tells his knees.
Then, there is a soft knocking at the door, followed by something that sounds a lot like a struggle of some kind.
"I'll get it!" Eiji leaps over Kaidoh towards the door, knocking over a notebook or two in the process. Oishi apologizes to Tezuka but Eiji doesn't notice.
Behind the door stands Eiji's best friend from high school. "Fujiko!" He tries to tackle him, but realizes he's being blocked by an unexpected body. "Fuji's little brother?? What are you doing here, nya?"
Yuuta starts to say something, but winces silently instead. Fuji's grip on his brother's arm seems light, but Eiji can see where Yuuta's skin is turning white under the other boy's fingertips.
"Hello Eiji." Fuji walks into the room, dragging Yuuta behind him. He nods at the rest of his former teammates.
"Fuji, you can put whatever you brought on this table here, if you like." Oishi smiles helpfully. Fuji frowns for a moment, although is eyes are still smiling. "I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood. I brought Yuuta instead."
Yuuta rolls his eyes and sits down abruptly on Tezuka's computer chair. Eiji wonders if Fuji considers his brother a food group.
"Oi, is Mamushi here?" Momoshiro catches the door before it completely closes. He barges into the room, nearly tripping over Oishi in his search for Kaidoh. "I brought Doritos! And look, they're cheeseburger flavored!"
"Baka." Kaidoh stands up and takes the bag of Doritos from Momoshiro. "No one will eat these but you." Kaidoh punches him in the shoulder with his free hand, tosses the bag onto the table, and then returns to his spot before anyone steals it.
Eiji hadn't seen Fuji cross the room, but suddenly he is talking to Oishi and Tezuka a few feet away. He starts to prepare his best pout, but catches a glimpse of an unnaturally tall boy with a white cap standing in the doorway, staring.
"Ochibi!!" Eiji jumps to steal his hat but misses, and pretends he hadn't jumped in the first place. Echizen mutters something incoherent and steps into the room, clutching a six-pack of grape Ponta.
"Yuck, Ochibi, you still drink that? Well, you might as well put it over there." Echizen stumbles into the increasingly crowded room, ignoring the stares of his former senpai. Before placing the soda on the table, he takes a can for himself and sips at it as he slouches against a wall. This distracts Momoshiro long enough to let Kaidoh escape. He sacrifices a guaranteed place to sit for a chance to get away from the tall boy with glazed purple eyes.
Finally, Taka-san and Inui appear at the door. They are arrive so closely together that Eiji thinks they came together, but Taka-san looks completely surprised to see Inui standing behind him.
With all of the food haphazardly placed on Tezuka's desk, Oishi begins to pass out plates and napkins for everyone.
In five minutes, Kaidoh's mother's salad bowl, Eiji's Jell-O plate, and Taka's sushi tray are all completely empty. There are still five cans of grape Ponta left. Eiji feels somewhat saddened at the disappearance of his dessert, but, in a voice that sounds suspiciously like Oishi's, he reminds himself that it was meant to be shared anyway.
"Inui-san." Fuji peers at the plate of suspicious-looking patties stacked in a perfect pyramid onto a plate. "What are these?"
"Fish waffles." Inui adjusts his glasses and double-checks a notebook he pulled of nowhere. "Data shows that they are quite the rage in England." Fuji nods and tugs a few onto his plate. "Did you bring anything for us to drink?"
Inui flushes and looks away. "It was strongly recommended to me that I abstained from doing so."
Fuji smiles and pats his arm reassuringly. "These waffles are delicious, so perhaps it was all for the best."
From a place that is less like on Tezuka's desk chair and more like under Tezuka's desk, Yuuta yells, "Fine! I don't want it anyway!" and climbs up and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him. For a moment, Eiji thinks he should try to bring him back, but Fuji looks wholly unperturbed by the abrupt exit of his brother, so he ignores it.
Eiji walks around the room, looking for the most interesting conversation. Since, evidently, a single dorm isn't quite meant for nine people, this is difficult to do, but Eiji has no qualms about using Tezuka's bed as a spring to bounce off of.
Momoshiro and Kaidoh are arguing about an assignment their calculus teacher gave them. Eiji starts to say something, but then realizes he had a different teacher last year, and that he can't help one side or the other.
Fuji and Inui are examining the level of precision in Tezuka's salad. Inui points out that the tomatoes are cut at perfect 30 degree angles, and comments that 45 degrees would have been more efficient. Fuji notes that the carrots appear to be julienned, and wonders where Tezuka could have obtained a knife sharp enough to do that. Eiji's only opinion about the salad is that it was overly dry without any sort of salad dressing, so he moves on.
Echizen is now sitting on Tezuka's bed, almost on his pillow. He is still drinking his can of Ponta, but he also is holding a half-eaten plate of Jell-O.
"Did you like it, Ochibi?? I made it."
Echizen pulls the soda can away from his mouth long enough to reply. "The grape part was good."
Beaming, Eiji moves on.
Tezuka, Oishi, and Taka-san are standing by Tezuka's desk, chatting amicably. Eiji hops onto Oishi's back, looking over his shoulder at the other two boys. He regrets this, though, as he realizes they are only talking about their majors in college, and some of their classes. Taka-san reminds Tezuka that he isn't in school anymore. He looks embarrassed, and somewhat wistful, but Eiji tells him that his sushi is better than ever and he brightens a little. Oishi talks about how for now, he thinks he wants to be a doctor, and he hopes his grades will be good enough for medical school. Tezuka nods in approval, but Eiji has heard all of this before and instead enjoys the rumbling sensation he can feel every time Oishi speaks.
Tezuka mentions that he is currently majoring in business. Eiji has to stop himself from groaning in boredom, but then Tezuka goes on to say with a hint of that Atobe is probably in all of his classes. Eiji is excited with the prospect of drama, but Taka-san and Oishi only nod, and Eiji surrenders his hope.
The food is gone and Tezuka announces that he has a paper to write. Although it takes a few moments for the point to come across, gradually everyone realizes that this is their cue to leave. Everyone gathers their things, and assure each other that they should do things like this more often. Even so, to Eiji, these promises ring a bit hollow, and he distracts himself by making absolutely sure he has both his Jell-O plate and his keys.
They say their goodbyes, and Eiji clutches at Oishi's arm as they walk down the stairs.
Oishi smiles at him. "Well that was nice, wasn't it?"
Eiji hopes Oishi doesn't realize his smile isn't genuine. "Yeah. It was."
Burying his face into the other boy's shoulder, Eiji reminds himself that despite everyone else, he still has Oishi.