Title: Puzzled
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: L/Raito. Pre-slash though, if anything.
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
A/N: A bit of silliness, really. Technically a bit of spoiler through the beginning of the Yotsuba arc, but not anything major. I wrote this in about an hour instead of doing bio, and its probably pretty OOC. Crit very welcomed. Self-betaed.
L has been staring at the video screens without blinking for the last twenty minutes.
He has not, however, stopped moving his hand in the steady pattern between his mouth and the box of cookies on his right.
It is two a.m.
Raito knows that it is important to do everything possible to catch Kira, but whether this extends to staring at the feed from the empty Yotsuba business room is a bit questionable.
He is bored out of his mind, and lying behind the couch on the floor is not exactly conducive to sleep.
Neither is the clattering of the chain dangling from L’s handcuff as it continues on its endless cyclic journey. Nor the grating, intolerable noise coming from L’s mouth that makes Raito wonder if somehow, L is actually chewing on his brain instead of the sugar-frosted-chocolate-whatevers he seems to be so enamored of.
Forget bored, he’s going insane.
He turns over in a vain attempt to dampen the sound, but in doing so spots something on the shelf next to him that looks, at this point, more sacred than the answer to life itself. He’s shocked, because this means Matsuda has managed not to screw everything up for once.
He stands up, grabs the object and throws it at L’s head.
L catches it, of course, and looks quizzically at Raito.
“What’s this?”
He holds in his hand a brightly colored cube, looking for all the world like a small child who had just been given its first gift. Regardless of how it might have been delivered.
“It’s a Rubik’s Cube.”
“...A puzzle. Something else to do with your hands. Misa’s right, you know. You’ll get fat if you keep eating all the time like this.”
Raito takes it back from him and turns the faces, showing L how to scramble and solve it.
L is watching him intently. Cube back in his hands, he manages to reconfigure it after a few minutes. Even so, he looks genuinely grateful and thanks Raito.
He goes back to his place behind the couch, feeling rather pleased with himself.
He realizes exactly two minutes later that L is perfectly capable of solving the cube with one hand and eating with the other. And that the combination of crunching, rattling, and the twisting of the cube is only drowned out by the thudding of his head against the floor.