Mar 29, 2007 13:47
fictional characters meme. (i'm taking this from tv- though, there are no limitations)
1. Which fictional character frightens you the most?
Toasters! (Battlestar Galactica)
2. Which fictional parents do you most wish you had?
Assuming they ever reproduced: Zoe and Wash (Firefly) Seriously, that would rock. Otherwise, the Stevens (Even Stevens)
3. Which fictional character has the most balls?
Xena! (lol)
4. To which fictional character’s home would you most like to be invited for dinner?
Vincent, Eric, Turtle and Drama's! (Entourage) That would be fuckin' awesome!
5. If you could invite three fictional couples to your own house for dinner, who would they be?
Luke/Lorelei (Gilmore Girls), Admiral Adama/President Roslin (Battlestar Galactica), Grissom/Sara (CSI)
-yes, I've taken liberties here in that none of these people are actually couples (that I know of, but I'm a bit behind) But, they should be!
6. Which fictional character could probably entice you into his/her bed?
Obvious answer: Mal (Firefly)! Though also, Ari (Entourage)!
7. Which fictional character would most likely have broken your heart?
Dr. Kovach (ER)
8. In which fictional character’s home would you most like to live?
Mal (Firefly) Living on Serenity? Come on! Who wouldn't want that?!