... ya think?!

Aug 16, 2007 09:07

in regards to this msn article; i don't know whether to nod my head and say "i heard that!" or throw my hands up in disgust at the fact that people actually need these things spelled out for them.

If you are kidnapped or missing, it helps to be the right race, age, social class and gender. Otherwise, don't expect the media to cover your story.

If a missing person is white, female, young, attractive and has an upper-middle-class background, media coverage of her case will be far more thorough than coverage of missing men, minorities or the elderly... This taps in to a sort of ancient fairy-tale mentality: the kidnapped princess, the damsel in distress.

do people really live in these white privilege bubbles? are they that oblivious to the world? who the fuck are we kidding? why do even have a "media" anymore? i'm done reading msn for a while. i feel dumbed down more and more every time i read it. i'm setting my homepage to BBC and keeping it there.
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