*lol* that is odd. what timing! and thank you, dear.
i'm just doing this to organize myself and give me a place to post my audio fic. plus, i figure it'll be easier on you guys to find everything. i'm hoping, anyway.
actually, i have a question maybe you can answer. when you read au fic, how important is the set-up to you? i mean, how involved in the world do you like to get? if i kinda skip over stuff and get right to the story of billy and dom and not bother with the where, when, and why, would you feel lost?
Ummm, a little, yeah. I've always preferred a bit of a set up, at least enough so I know just whats going on. AU's are notoriously like crack!fic, though, so sometimes they're not 100% needed.
... hang on, is this one AU? *whines* I want the rest of TooL!! *pouts prettily*
don't worry, dear, that question was for the space cowboy fic. it's trying to butt in while i'm writing more tool. thank you for answering, btw! that's a big help. :D
i'm just doing this to organize myself and give me a place to post my audio fic. plus, i figure it'll be easier on you guys to find everything. i'm hoping, anyway.
Most excellent.
*whistles innocently* Anything I can do to help, erm, expidite the process?
okay, that was three questions.
... hang on, is this one AU? *whines* I want the rest of TooL!! *pouts prettily*
Oooh, there's an idea. *grins*
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