Tromping Through the Woods, etc.

May 10, 2007 14:12

Today is a swell day for being outside!

Clinic was light today, and there was plenty of relaxed laughter among the staff. So I got to leave early for my weekly date with the Schmuppy. Since we had plenty of time, we went to the lake!

Partly cloudy and 81 degrees, it felt great to walk along the almost-shaded trails. There were soooooo many lovely spring blossoms, including Canadian anemone, mayapples, phlox galore and even a couple of jack-in-the-pulpits. Several spring beauties had popped up right in the middle of the trail. Saw my first ever trout lily. Also poison ivy everywhere.

I went down a bit from the trail and found a sunny log to lounge on. Soaked up some rays and listened to a frog orchestra while Schmuppy splashed about in the shallows.

Saw a couple of interesting fungi, but no morels. I did see a place I'd like to return to after the next rain. Apparently morel harvests have been plentiful this year. I sure would like to run into some!

Back in the hood, the azaleas are at their peak of loveliness, trees have pretty much filled out, and the birdsong in my neighborhood could keep me listening all day.


outdoors, flowers, naycher, foraging

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