Jul 24, 2007 00:52
Today was a good day. I turned in my final paper for my correspondence course at Sam Houston at 4pm. So, essentially, once my professor finishes grading it, I will be an actual graduate. It only took me six years. I can already hear you saying, "It's 2007 and you graduated high school in 2000." Well, horrible friend, I took an entire year off, so give me a break. Six years isn't so bad when you consider how little I actually went the first three years. The point is, I made it. I've gone from the kid who didn't really care if he went to college to the kid who can't believe he is about to graduate. I could go on for hours about the struggles and trials that got me to where I am, but it's pretty pointless. I am so thankful for how much I had to learn on the way and wouldn't trade a thing if given the opportunity, but it's over with. I am not going to live in the past, especially since my future is just beginning.
With that out of the way, I have had many thoughts lately. The first one is that I haven't written a blog of real meaning in a long time. Sure, I've posted a couple videos and such but I haven't been able to sit down and write what I am feeling for what seems like forever. I don't know why, but I have lost any inspiration when it comes to my own life and writing about. It's not a bad thing at all. I am thoroughly enjoying my life at this time and couldn't be happier to be at the lake with my parents. Other than that, my life is on cruise control. I look for jobs. I apply for jobs. I wait for jobs to call. Jobs do not call.
Speaking of jobs, I have finally given up and decided that I want to pursue a job in journalism. However, I want to be a reporter. I do not want to edit or design. As interesting as that could be it's not where I want to go. I want to grow as a writer and researcher. I want to expand what talent I have and maybe one day venture into editing as I would hate to get caught in a career that didn't satisfy me the way I know being a reporter will. If I get the chance to write news and feature stories, I will not let it go to waste. Writing is a part of me and I finally want to share it with everyone who will read.
And on that note, I have actually begun throwing around an idea for a short story or novella if the idea grows beyond what I have in my head. I have never tried to put together a completely original story, so it is in a very rough form. Also know that I am anything but an accomplished fiction writer but I know that to be good at something you have to try and that is what I plan on doing. It is very doubtful I'll ever post it, but if I do, don't expect greatness and enjoy the ride as I try to grow as a writer.
As you may have noticed from an earlier blog, a great friend of mine gave birth, on my birthday no less, to a beautiful baby girl named Ryleigh Kate Winter. I have a few friends from high school that have children, but I don't keep in touch with any of them. I also have two nephews, and as life changing as that experience was and is, this is still something new to me. Allison is my first close friend to have a child. It's still hard to look at those words and understand what they are actually saying. It is something I don't think I will ever truly realize. Allison is such a good friend that I know I'll always be a part of little Ryleigh's life. We share the same birthday, so it's a guarantee I'll remember it forever. And when I think about the birthday thing I begin to think of how old I'll be when she is a certain age and it is difficult for me to conceptualize it. I'll do my best to express it --- Forever now, Ryleigh gets older and grows, but so do I, but since she is so young she will be young for a lot longer than I will be and then when I'm really old she'll just be a kid. --- See I told you it was confusing. Either way, it's life altering. Basically, life is that much more meaningful now since it is going to be shared with a brand new person who was not technically on this planet two weeks ago. Think about that for a while.
Now, I move on to time in general. I was taking a shower earlier tonight and started to think about how we measure time and how we basically made up time in general. Most civilizations realized the sun traveled around the sun and then decided that a year was one revolution. The question I have is when and how did they decide to start. Say your civilization has been around for fifty years without any knowledge that it has been fifty years. Then Joe comes along and realizes the earth is traveling around the sun and all the sudden the year exists. Did time start then? Technically, he doesn't even have an age since that day is the first day of the first year and it's totally different if he has a concept of the number zero. It's not really something to wonder about since we have an established year, but it does make me realize how unimportant it is to measure time and worry about time wasted, because really, the only time is time we created. We've only had the knowledge to measure the last 2000 years and the odds are we got that wrong.
On a completely different note, I have to have a mini-rant about blogs in general. This is not a poke at anyone I know, but in fact it comes from spending a lot of time on the internet browsing through Myspace and seeing where it leads me and it has lead me to some pretty bad blogs. I will be the first to admit that some of my blogs are a little too emotional, some have bad grammar, and some are just dumb, and that gives me a little room to talk here. If you are going to take the time to write out something that obviously has great feeling to you, please do it right. Here's a little list to get you through that oh-so-important blog:
1. Do not color or highlight your text. This is the equivalent of a note written in crayon and then highlighted. I guarantee you would not give that to someone on paper, so why would you type it that way.
2. Do not use CAPS for words or entire sentences. If you can't express yourself with your vocabulary, then what is the point in writing in the first place? You might even learn something if you try and find a way to explain how you are feeling without intentionally making words stand out.
3. Do not use bad words. Pretty much all the same reasons as before. All bad words do is show your ignorance and the odds are you have already done that by not following the first two rules.
4. If you are mad try your hardest to leave other people's names out of it. You are already spreading your business to several billion people, don't spread someone else's.
5. This may be the most important rule - If you are between the ages of 15 - 22, it is going to be okay. I swear to you that boy or girl really isn't the one for you, and that your parents are really and truly looking out for your best interests.
Basically, if you are going to write a blog, then be cool. I can tell you from experience, that tomorrow is going to be better, and besides, as we discussed earlier: Time isn't all it's cracked up to be.
I think this has been good. The second I mention not having anything to write about, I can't stop writing. I hope this finds you well and happy, because I can tell you that I am.