Cate, Cate, Cate.
Ten hundred thousand hearts to you. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
You see, everyone,
arlecchinic told me that this disk she sent contained something that was both essential to my survival and that would kill me dead. I found this an amusing juxtaposition of conditions, but somehow felt inclined to belive her. ;-)
What I got... well, there was Mizu & co. going to Vienna and Asako & co. being interviewed after PariSora / Fancy Dance... but the MOST IMPORTANT and SQUEEFUL part was the middle, in which I got eleven minutes of Soragumi rehearsals, for both A/L and Hello! Dancing.
In A/L, there appears to be:
That's all that matters. That's the part where I burst into tears and nearly collapsed in anguish that I have over a MONTH to wait before the DVD comes out.
Okay, so that's not all that matters. I guess.
There's also:
Tani wearing lots of capes and top hats and looking like she needs to be FED.
Ume-chan being pouty and CUTE!
Micchan and Mii-chan being the cutest Holmes & Watson pair EVAR.
Susshii-san doing crazy experiments!
Ayumi-san slapping Kou Akemi-san!
Tomochin being all commanding and semi-evil and using "ore". <3
Tamii... okay, I have to say this. Tamii showing cleavage. O_O Bad Julie, stop staring at your babies like that.
And at the end Tani wore an eyepatch. OMG WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?!?
And in Hello! Dancing there appears to be:
Bowler hats and gloves! <3 (Or maybe the hats were just stand-ins for fedoras. :-D)
Reused tap dance music from "Young Bloods"? Unless I'm mistaken...
A tango between Dai-chan and Tomoe!? *___*
Dai-chan pair-dancing with Ebi-chan!
MORE tap-dancing and fedoras. GUH, I NEED IT.
(I don't know if there's an "official" lead for H!D, but I was sure it would be Dai-chan and considering how she was in front all the time getting cool dances and such, I get the feeling I was right. ;-P)
(Although I must note, I also saw a lot of Kashou-Naoto-aka-Kanachin. Still learning Soragumi-sei nicknames; gimme a break here. ^^;;)
(Oh and Cate, I spotted at least one 92nd! I saw Tonica, I did! *beams proudly*)
*stops with all the silly parentheses*
You only get the clip if you convince me that you're a true Soragumi fan and you deserve it. Otherwise I'm hoarding these rehearsals aaaalllll to myself, mwa-ha-ha.
(Forgive me, I think I have a "case of the Mondays" and it's making me tired and selfish, apparently. T__T;;)