Phantom shinko~

May 31, 2011 00:44


First -- since it was announced when I was on vacation -- the top four are all EXCELLENT. ^__________^

Second, I scanned impatiently to find Minami-chan -- she's playing Daimon's role (for the second time, I think?) of Richard. I don't really get why Rei-kun being Sergio is that much better, unless they give Sergio more to do this time because it's part of the role-switch. (Rei-kun and Minami-chan are always neck-and-neck in shinkos x___x)

Young Carriere is YUUNAMI KEI. BOOYEAH. YOU CAN TAKE THAT AND EAT IT, HATERS. It will be like Patrick redux omg I wish I could see it live. Anyway as added bonus O-Dashi is also a Phantom dancer! :D :D :D

Also a 96th, Asazuki Kiwa is Young Erik SO EXCITED. Belladova is Nana Kurara YES. I want to hear both of them sing so bad~~~

And speaking of singers Carlotta is Senna Ayase eyyy it seems they've always been pushing her toward the utahime route :)

Back to the unbearably cute category, Miran Renna as Meg. I cannot even. *________*

(If it's not obvious, 95ths and 96ths are even fresher in my mind because I've been Wiki-ing like mad the past two days ^^;;)

So speaking of 95ths and Wiki-ing, Aiha Fubuki (who is a shinko policeman) now has the strangest nicknames ever ^_^;;;;; I wish I knew the stories behind those.

Aaaaand now for more Wiki-ing funtimes! Go~!

(one hour later) Wiki-ing complete. Why are there so few Phantom dancers? It's like each progressive shinko has less of them :\

I think my massive overhaul is also done. Only I feel like I'm forgetting a few. Eh, the Wiki has been my life for the past two days, I should probably stop >.>;;;

96ths, news, takawiki, yuunami kei, miran renna, hanagumi, minami maito, aiha fubuki, senna ayase, phantom, shinjin kouen, nana kurara, 95ths, asazuki kiwa, yuzuka rei

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