Hanagumi, Daigeki Raku

Mar 07, 2011 12:21

Matobun Club (I think they're called "With Yuu"?), you rock.

Looks like Matobun is bringin' back the tradition, going for hakama and not a tux for her final walk down the staircase.

Tomoyo-san, Meo, Shun-chan...

And Amachakiiiiiiii ;________; She's sooo pretty, I just want to cry buckets T___________T

I hear the sayonara show was a lot like Exciter!!, lol, because Mr. Yuu showed up again -- I think that's really fitting, though :) ♥ But also, this o_O;;; Might be Houryuu Aya and Asahi Mirai? They were both in Fifty-Fifty, and they might have played the cows -- or coveted the costumes ;)

Also, whatever this dance was, I like the look of it. :D And this ♥ ♥ ♥

Someone on Mixi said that at Amachaki's farewell party everyone laughed from beginning to end ♥ ♥ Probably because Imacchi was the MC ♥ ♥ ♥

mano sugata, ai no prelude, retirement, matobu sei, mayuzuki kou, fifty-fifty, senshuuraku, exciter, manase haruka, yuuzumi shun, amasaki chihana, pictures

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