Phantom role-switches

Feb 23, 2011 19:50

Weeeelllll that was unexpected.

At first I kind of skimmed it for star names instead of roles, and just assumed they were switching Philippe and then two of arguably star-tracked roles like Lachenal and Richard.

But then I saw Sergio... And after a second of "...?" I was like "oh yeah, that's the one who usually does Young Carriere". So that would make sense. (Except it doesn't SAY they double as Young Carriere.... :\)

But really, WTF CHOLET. W. T. F. I guess that's one way to give someone a lot of stage time, like Micchan doing Renault in Casablanca... And it gives Hacchi-san the chance to be... CARLOTTA??? (I thought Ledoux for a split second before I was like NO WAIT.) But still... nrgh. Old Man Mitsuru. It's, um, a good chance for her to grow as an actress? T_____T

For some reason I was unrealistically imagining Sou as Philippe, even though obviously in '06 Yumiko did Carriere. But then I guess part of my brain was also seeing Maa-kun!Philippe.

I stand by her, people. She was shinko!Philippe before and I'm all for it. It's actually one of the few things I'm excited about in this cast.

hanagata hikaru, news, sou kazuho, phantom, asaka manato, aine harei, natsumi you

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