that was unexpected.
At first I kind of skimmed it for star names instead of roles, and just assumed they were switching Philippe and then two of arguably star-tracked roles like Lachenal and Richard.
But then I saw Sergio... And after a second of "...?" I was like "oh yeah, that's the one who usually does Young Carriere". So that would make sense. (Except it doesn't SAY they double as Young Carriere.... :\)
But really, WTF CHOLET. W. T. F. I guess that's one way to give someone a lot of stage time, like Micchan doing Renault in Casablanca... And it gives Hacchi-san the chance to be... CARLOTTA??? (I thought Ledoux for a split second before I was like NO WAIT.) But still... nrgh. Old Man Mitsuru. It's, um, a good chance for her to grow as an actress? T_____T
For some reason I was unrealistically imagining Sou as Philippe, even though obviously in '06 Yumiko did Carriere. But then I guess part of my brain was also seeing Maa-kun!Philippe.
I stand by her, people. She was shinko!Philippe before and I'm all for it. It's actually one of the few things I'm excited about in this cast.