1. Okay. I admit, whenever a top musumeyaku isn't listed for a small-theater show I go into automatic conspiracy theorizing mode. I blame Mihoko and Great Gatsby, the one(?) time our fears turned out to be justified.
But I will not sit around and listen to people extrapolate that one omission into some grand multiple-troupe overhaul theory. I won't hear it. I deny its plausibility by my own stubborn will.
...Eheh. Wouldn't be the first time something turned out to be true even though I didn't want it to be. But I'm going to sit here being mulish until whatever's coming actually comes.
I guess I never did talk about Matobun's retirement announcement. I've been having an off-again, on-again relationship with the internet, and that was one of my "off" days. (And I guess nobody texted me because it wasn't about Soragumi.) But it sucks, it sucks because she's my favorite top right now and because Ran-chan gets less than a year with her as a partner.
Even more than that, though, it means the "Tomu moving to Hanagumi" talk has redoubled -- and I was already sick of hearing it before.
It won't happen. I will it not to. So there. *glares*
2. Something I would've liked to be stubborn about but bend to the popular vote on -- Studio 54 summary is up on the Wiki with "Holly".
I was going to say something different, but when I dictated out that sentence my speech recognition program rendered the name as "Hawley".
Um... Can we cast a re-vote?? Is this the solution to our "but it's a girl's name" problem? A small part of me still prefers "Holy" by the simple logic that the katakana indicates a long "o" sound... But then again English has 14 vowel sounds and Japanese has, like, five.
3. Another thing about the Wiki. Those of us with the big shiny invisible editor's badges do not rule it with an iron hand. A wiki is by the people, for the people. At least twice now people have asked my permission to fix some small romanization / spelling / grammar / other mistake, and I want everyone to know that that isn't necessary. Please feel free to take initiative on these things. If it's something more complicated and you're afraid of breaking the Wiki of course you can ask for help, but seriously. Please do contribute on your own.
...Phew. It seems to be my night for ranting. ^^;;
4. Not a rant, but related to the Wiki: I still haven't translated the summary for Micchan's show word-for-word yet, but it was amusing to skim that article about Emperor Norton. I wanted to double-check that the man was never a reporter, in which case the title might be better rendered "A Journalist and an Emperor" (implying that he was both). Does everyone agree with me that it seems more likely that the journalist is a separate person?
...A love interest? >:) I wonder... Really, I wonder how they're going to turn a crazy old man into an attractive otokoyaku role, but I guess they do that all the time ;) Tanoshimi ni shiteru, Oono-sensei.
5. Last thing. This is just weird.
Since I've been back in the States I've started substitute teaching again, until I get my head around what I really want to do.
I had a two-day assignment yesterday and today, and when you see 30 kids rotated through 5 hours you're bound to see several absences... But I couldn't help but notice that one boy was gone both days.
His name was Valentino.