Well, that answers that question.
Misaki Rion as Maa-kun's musumeyaku partner in "Code Hero". And, obviously, Daimon nibante.
Watching Sabrina again yesterday I discovered that I'm actually quite 期待している with Rion. I was searching for her because I couldn't remember what role she was playing, but then all on her own she caught my eye as Daimon's girlfriend.
Rion has this... potential, I feel something in her that... Okay, to put a fine point on it she reminds me of young Alice-chan. Not in the way she looks -- and not, I think, because I'm subconsciously looking for a new musumeyaku who's like Alice-chan. But there's something fairy-like about her. A little light that shines in the background, but given time will grow and become even more radiant. Something about the way she moves -- not a perfect lady, but like a lady in training -- that's the musumeyaku quality that reminds me of my angel. I can't say it any better than that.
So I feel okay looking forward to her first Bow heroine... And I kind of want to see her as shinko Sabrina. ^_^;;