Well, that's done it.

Jul 04, 2010 11:29

I was thinking back on my time as a fan and reminded that two days ago was the 4-year anniversary of Wao and O-Hana leaving Takarazuka.

And tomorrow it will be a year since Tani, Ume-chan, Masami, Eriko and everyone's retirement.

Today is the last day I will ever meet Alice-chan in Takarazuka city. I told her in my iri letter that I was mostly feeling fine. And I was.

But I've been planning forever to write this to her on the last day, and when I went looking for a Japanese translation... Yes, in hit me all in a rush.

I have often walked down this street before
But the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before
All at once am I several stories high
Knowing I'm on the street where you live

And oh, the towering feeling
just to know somehow you are near
The overpowering feeling
that any second you may suddenly appear

People stop and stare, they don't bother me
For there's no where else on earth that I would rather be
Let the time go by, I won't care if I
can be here on the street where you live.

いつも舖道に 足がぴたりついたはずなのに
ここが あなたの住んでいる通りだと知ってから

ああ、あなたが近くにいると思うだけで ドキドキする
ふいに現れるような気がして 強くときめいてしまうの心

道行く人はたち止まって私を見つめるけれど 気にしない
だって 世界中のどんな場所よりも 私はここにいたいから
あなたの住むこの通りに いつまでもずっとこうしていたいの

retirement, demachi, irimachi, wao youka, hanafusa mari, miwa asahi, yamato yuuga, nanaho hikaru, hanakage arisu, hizuki hana

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