If there's anything that can brighten my mood, it's 88ths ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
So, weirdest demachi ever this evening.
I've always liked the way Soragumi clubs do things. Like today, it's so rainy, so the staff decided "let's just have everyone crouch in the fan plaza! :D"
This especially worked because Yuuhi Club had less than 30 people slackers and Tomu had less than 20, and for some inexplicable reason Tomochin and Micchan clubs were on okeiko-machi. So we all fit under the roof quite easily, and I got to catch glimpses of people I usually don't get to see because they go home in the other direction (Koumai, Ebi-chan~! ♥ ♥ ♥)
I also saw few Hanagumisei (Juria, possibly Amachaki, and on the theme of 88ths, Tommyyy♥)
Masako came out first of the people with clubs? And she took their letters and said a few words and then left without them following after her. But then when Mii-chan and Kai-chan came, their clubs got to be ducklings and go off with them?
Before Kai-chan got to her own fans, when she passed by Yuuhi Club she gave this really curt "otsukaresama" like "I think I have to do this but I feel really awkward anyway :X" (probably I'm the only one who found it funny ^^;;)
I wish Micchan hadn't been doing "shigoto" or whatever that warranted okeiko-machi, because she was wearing a suuuuuuper suteki suit (beige / cream-colored and shiiiinyyyy). I would've liked to see her stop and talk to her fans closer to me <----
Anyway, with no Micchan Club or Tomochin Club, and seeing as Masako Club left the line after she came and went... That put me next to Tomu Club. o_____O;;; I'm sure THAT'S never going to happen again. It was kind of nerve-wracking, because a Tomu staff lady and a Yuuhi staff lady were having a serious-sounding conversation in the back row, really close to me...
And then a few minutes later Tomu's club left the line too!?! I guess she suddenly had to cancel, or they were told to come back later??
That put me next to YUUHI CLUB. O__________O;;;;;
...BUT this story is supposed to be about 88ths. :P So at this point Dai-chan club was next to me, and I heard one of the two women say "eh?! I can't do it by myself! I might die!!"
It turns out she was a first-timer for iride ♥ and the other lady had to leave early for some reason. So New Lady was by herself. She struck up a conversation with me, asking whose club I was in (LOL, 新鮮!!) and saying "this takes a long time, doesn't it?" She had seen the show and maybe gotten tickets through the club before but never even been to an ochakai, much less done iride.
So I witnessed her first demachi evar ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It was SO SWEET. We had only chatted for a few minutes when I saw Dai-chan's daihyou move out of the center guard and I looked at the newbie lady and was like "I think she's coming out!" And the lady was like "ah, no way, what'll I do~" When Dai-chan walked up to her she stayed in the crouch and they just exchanged a few words ("Thank you for all of the winks today" ♥ "Everything was really good" etc.)
Then after Dai-chan left, the lady turned to me like this ^____________________^ and just kept saying "I'm so happy! I was so nervous! But I'm so happy!!!"
And I was just ^__________________^ right back at her, she wiped it her eyes a little and I feel like wiping out my eyes now ♥ ♥ ♥ I was there for a very special moment ♥ ♥ ♥
AND THEN Alice-chan and Chii-chan came out at the same time, Chii-chan had no fans :( and I was the only one there for Alice-chan. After I walked and talked with her about wigs and things, when I said goodbye to her at the corner I saw that CHII-CHAN HAD BEEN WAITING FOR HER I don't know why this makes me so happy when Alice-chan and Chii-chan have both said they hang out with each other the most, but anyway ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Harada-san told me I could wait because they would be driving off and Alice-chan would wave to me and I thought how cool it would be to see Chii-chan driving but actually it was HARADA-SAN driving with Chii-chan in the back ahahaha, and when they drove by Alice-chan gave me the lamest wave ever, it was hilarious ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
88ths ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
This morning there was some kind of short ceremony for Soragumi receiving an award for Casablanca, by the way. Everyone was dressed up extra special ♥ ♥ ♥
Then after irimachi (sorry I went backward, didn't I) I went toward Minamiguchi station, which I realized belatedly was in the path of all the underclassmen. Underclassmen who, as I said, were dressed up all suteki ☆ ♥ ☆ And when I saw Re-re I had to put my hand over my mouth, I wanted to blurt out SO PRETTY ♥_____♥
But as I kept going I saw a few Hanagumisei as well, and reflected that it could've been Ran-chan that I saw, which would make even more sense in the category of "so beautiful I could die on the spot".
I've been going back and forth about it for the rest of the day ^^;; It made more sense for it to be Re-re going in right then, behind the other Sora underclassmen and made up all nice, but on the other hand I'm not sure if her hair is that light, on the other other hand I don't know if Ran-chan has actually cut her hair short for Sabrina?
I'm betting she hasn't, because she'll need longer hair for revue things. Maybe it was Ran-chan... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥