It's like, four days until Mura senshuuraku for Gubijin. I completely fail to understand how
Daily Sports can neglect to upload more photos after the wealth of badly-edited shots we've seen gracing the site previously.
I mean, there's MITSURU MOLESTING DAIMON. THIS NEEDS TO BE SEEN BY ALL HUMAN EYES. For then it cannot be unseen. :P Seriously it is so wrong, almost as wrong as the fact that I kind of liked it <---
There's also VERY HOT MATTSU. She hots all over the stage throughout the entire show. AND SINGS, A LOT. Even
Asahi fails to communicate this fact with its
one decent picture. Lucia thinks that Mattsu is more sanbante than Miwacchi is in the story, although this could be influenced by the fact that she -- like myself -- has a sort of memory problem when it comes to Aine Harei. (This was proven to me when she had no recollection of the scene where Daimon is all "boohoo Miwacchi, I am damaged goods" -- see above paragraph.)
It also has Amachaki beaming her tiny Flower Beam, I have no idea what else to call it but she just BEAMS, that girl. And my interest in Makkun and OhMayu-chan is being all fickle and flickering because I had to be so taken with Minami Maito-chan after the Berubara shinko that now I find myself chasing this little 95th around the stage with my opera glasses. Her sword dancing and freeze-frame faces are AMAZING. X)
I think the actual story is, um, a lot of stuff about politics and war and a very high body count and Matobun and Sou fighting endlessly and such.
And as for the "Gubijin" herself, there is simply NOT ENOUGH OF HER. The show does little justice to its title character. That's not to say Ayane-chan isn't a perfect princess every time she's on the stage. She... It's like her whole life is this role; you really feel that she's giving it her absolute all. But the play has too much battling and not enough legendary Chinese beauty floating about ethereally and singing / dancing / being sweet with her love. EXPECTATIONS BETRAYED, KIMURA-SENSEI.
Hmm, this turned into a defamation of the company again <--
There's also, oh, really awesome Juria as expected, really weird boy-jailbait-y Ichika, criminally sexy Fumika in like five different incarnations, awesome Mebuki Yukina solo(s?) and Kouga Asahi, Kira Masato, and the aforementioned Maito-chan getting lines.
Overall I definitely like the Chinese-style dancing and music. I always favor sung dialogue, though it comes in and out in weird places. The costumes are in turns very beautiful and "oh, those ones from Taiou again". The particulars of the story are difficult for poor not-fluent-in-Japanese me to follow. There is not enough of the leading lady (although the pair dance in the finale does make up for that somewhat). And... yeah.
I won't give it a final grade quite yet though, because I'm seeing it again tomorrow ^^;;;