96th class graduatioooonnnnnnnn
http://kageki.hankyu.co.jp/news/detail/c4e07f1391e9c789c0d00d749cfb9081.html And all the baby naaaaaaaaaaames
夢華 あみ、和希 そら、空波 輝、優波 慧、乙羽 映見、音咲 いつき、夢奈 瑠音、秋音 光、瀬戸花 まり、春海 ゆう、咲妃 みゆ、蘭舞 ゆう、更紗 那知、橘 幸、叶羽 時、紫藤 りゅう、綺咲 愛里、蒼井 美樹、花乃 まりあ、妃華 ゆきの、茜 小夏、真地 佑果、朝月 希和、桜奈 あい、美桜 エリナ、華蓮 エミリ、白鳥 ゆりや、桜舞 しおん、蒼矢 朋季、千幸 あき、五條 まりな、颯希 有翔、夢月 せら、拓斗 れい、里咲 しぐれ、凰 いぶき、貴姿 りょう、朝水 りょう
Lots of 'Ryou / Ryuu / Yuu's? Chiko-chan didn't tell me her stage name in advance so I still don't know, but no one used the 河 kanji which I thought she might because she and Tani both have it in their names...
I really want to know ;______________; CHIKO-CHAAANNN WHICH ONE IS YOOOOUUUU
*edits* First in the class "Yumeka Ami"? There was that musumeyaku at bunkasai who sang "Un bel dì" from Madame Butterfly, her real name is Ami. I bet it's her. So maybe Miss Teen Japan is #2, "Kazuki Sora"...?