Sep 02, 2009 11:02
I went to bed thinking about how awesome it would've been if Soragumi had done Casablanca before 2005 -- with Wao!Rick, Hana!Ilsa and Mizu!Laszlo.
And then I dreamed about... being in an action movie with Tani?
I was just at my "house" (looked nothing like anywhere I've lived) minding my own business when Tani's car (not a blinged-out one, but a possibly hot pink or red convertible) screeched to a stop in front of me. She was breathing heavily and looked panicked. Her face screamed "I'm in trouble".
I was like UM HELLO THERE ER CAN I GET YOU A DRINK OR SOMETHING COME INSIDE? ^^;;; Which she did. The next part of the "movie" was one of those glossed-over parts where Tani explains the essential details of the plot that will be revealed later. High camera angle looking down on both of us, fading to show the passage of time, that kind of thing. All I'm sure about is that it had something to do evil loan sharks.
She was going to leave again and come back later, and as I walked her out to her car she was jokingly explaining that her entire fan club was on a "group vacation" in Australia, and that's why she had to come to me for help. XDDD;;;
But then for some reason we were getting into a car together anyway. I was driving. 8D We were backing up for a long time until I realized that we were going (backward x_x) down the street of my old neighborhood. I stopped for a bit while she got out to check something, and meanwhile of group of teenage boys passed by going "ooh, cool car~" and trying to get in. I had smartly hit the "lock" button as soon as I saw them. ;P Then when Tani came back I had to unlock it for her. ^^;;;
Aaaaaand that's all I remember before I slowly became conscious. Curses!! Want more random wacky action with Tani!!
mizu natsuki,
hanafusa mari,
yamato yuuga,
wao youka