Vexed by the idea that Chii-chan bookmarks could have already sold out in a day and a half, and I went to Umeda QR as soon as it opened with the hopes that I'd be more successful.
It's the third day that bookmarks have been on sale. And Umeda QR's supply has been depleted WORSE than the Mura's. Everyone from Mii-chan downward is already gone. Practically every underclassmen in every troupe has sold out.
But this is just the first wave, right? I don't remember it being this crazy last year...
Yeah. I got Mii-chan, Dai-chan and Kacha bookmarks yesterday, but Chii-chan continues to elude me.
So instead I went and bought a ticket for "Aida", at which price I could have bought all the bookmarks and then some. ^^;;; Good job, self.
jenebi, I'm re-linking
these pictures because they're really worth sharing. Even if they contain icky boy skin, they also show many pretty Toukos. ^___________^