Yuna-chan :( I've barely gotten to know you.
I went into a panic when I saw taidansha for Phoenix 2 -- after we got by without any for Ooeyama, I guess I relaxed too much. :\ I shouldn't say "thank god it's only Yuna", but...
Well. I'll be writing her a letter, and possibly trying to go to raku.
Also re: Phoenix 2, I see the rest of the role names still haven't been announced. Gambatte, Suzuki-sensei... ;_____;
Although through
gummical, Tomu reports that the new show has mostly new songs. :)
Now the long-awaited Alice-chan report ♥
(this is mostly Apasionado squee)
And wearing Ai-chan's costumes for at least the prologue and the chuuzume, and probably VALENTINO too ♥ ♥ ♥
She basically dances exclusively with Micchan?
Harada-san also gave us the following tidbits: the chuuzume is the same, and so we have promise of 88THS IN DRAG (also other people in drag, possibly down to the babies OMG MONCHI, but I don't have confirmation on anyone else yet).
BUT the lion scene is the one that's been replaced with something else; Alice-chan said she's not in it so I couldn't pester her about it. >.>;;;
All I've gotten about Ooeyama is that she'll be wearing a short kimono (♥_♥), possibly tall zori in the prologue...
...And that Harada-san and Sakurai-san don't think it's very good, for an ohirome or otherwise. ^^;;;
Since Alice-chan's photo still was taken in Ai-chan's her revue prologue costume, I figure only Yuuhi, Sumika and Micchan will have play-half stills.
Speaking of Sumika, Harada-san said that her treatment in Apasionado doesn't scream "top musumeyaku" -- just like in the original, two musumeyaku get about equal opportunities to shine ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Tomorrow! 10AM iri, 11AM Taiou II, sometime after 6PM Doi-chama ochakai! ^________^