I picked up
princesslucia and brought her home on Thursday night.
We were up talking until 1:30AM.
Got up at 6:30AM -- just enough time to have a nice dream about Alice-chan in which she looked at me in the audience and told me not to worry, it was fine to stand so close to her at demachi. <3
Lucia and I went to the Mura. Failed at irimachi. Went to shiny Taka-An instead. I bought some O-Hana photos and smirky!nibante!Wao and a tiny background Alice-chan from Neo Voyage. :D Eventually
sumire_no_hana joined us.
Then we went to Sakae-ya and I picked up the photos I had ordered for
mizukusa. :D :D
We had lunch at Hanazuki and I spent most of it angsting over why I couldn't remember all the 89ths in Soragumi. T___T;;; A story of shame not worth retelling.
Lucia got the tickets from her fanclub and I did some translating.
We saw Taiou Shijinki again. Definitely better the second time. Understood the dialogue better -- most importantly, the ending -- this time. Definitely the end revue is still AMAZING.
Also, BEST INTERMISSION EVER because Juria hosted a raffle with Yuu and Ayane-chan drawing the tickets!! Who cares that we didn't win anything!!
Afterward... much shopping at QR. Well, okay, only Lucia was shopping; Manda and I were just enabling. 8D
Then, tea and toast at Sarah's. I came down very hard off my fangirling high and was pretty close to crashing on the table.
But before we went home, I bought my shinkansen tickets for Nagoya. <3 And Lucia bought us breadstuffs for today's breakfast. <3
Tonight, my first ochakai for a musmeyaku other than my own!!! SQUEE!!!!!