* Somehow in my iri report yesterday I failed to add Chie with her 15 fans and a big dead animal around her neck. ^^;;;
* I've mentioned this before, but maybe I should have explained again for those of you who may have forgotten. Nacchan is the kooky old lady around the Mura who likes to chat up baby 'siennes. I probably used to distinguish her from Ootsuki Sayu "Nacchan" by calling her "Nacchan-san", but I don't really think of her as Nacchan-san anymore.
It looks like my first guess was right. Tomu appears to be disregarding the original character design and going for light brown hair for Phoenix. Maybe it's because she's playing "Phoenix Wright" and not Naruhodou Ryuuichi? I know it's stupid, but when *every* PW article I read says things like DON'T BE SURPRISED WHEN WE START SINGING AND DANCING and IT'S GOING TO BE GOOD GAME FANS PLEASE DON'T EAT US, it pleases me to see Tomu doing *something* non-canon.
* As I already knew from reading PW articles, there will be at least a few bits in the show with video on a screen. One appears to be ModernDay!Phoenix, but the one of Tomu and Masami is probably the "Phoenix, Leona and Miles when they were children" scene. Looks like it's going to have animation by Capcom *and* live action (I can just imagine the two being cheesily blended together)...