Okay, okay, I confess.
...I bought another Phoenix Wright ticket. Actually, I bought TWO.
gummical told me she was willing to pay quite a high price, and I was kind of looking for an excuse to go again, and of course I want to go with her, so... ^^;;;
But that's it. Only twice. I've paid almost the price of four tickets just to get two, and tickets for the other day I was considering (Sunday the 8th) are going at insane prices, like over 20,000 yen >_______<;;; Twice is enough. I mean, I know it's NOT enough, but my wallet says it's enough. ;__________;
In other money-spending news, on Tuesday I did fanclub-related furikomi for myself and three other people. I only once and only briefly thought about quitting my job and actually trying to live off of Julie-pyon Services, Inc. -- if I did that, I realized, I'd run the risk of resenting the fandom eventually. :\
Lastly, a couple of days ago I got mail from a Princess. :D I love the card, even if it's a bit belated! <3