Hello Friend List,
I have skimmed your contents from the past... however many days behind I am... but I am also rather tired and needing of proper sleep.
Because today I got up at four in the bloody morning to try for MiiMai raku toujitsuken AND FAILED. ARGH.
On the upside, made friends with a cute cool-looking girl around my age who was on the first train with me, and we both raced to the line, and I could have been jealous that she got there before me but now I'm just happy that I made a friend. :D
Her name is Isami. She has short hair. And glasses. <3
...Wait, am I fangirling Takarazuka or Takarazuka fans?? XDD;;; Oh, clearly I am tired if this is where my brain is going at only 10:15PM. ^^;;;
Short version of events from the past few days.
sumire_no_hana and
econn. They are both lovely. Manda is super nice and surprised me with random gifts! Erin has a great singing voice; I totally want to do more karaoke duets with you, Erin!!
Saw Me and My Girl from first floor A-seki. Love Background Masaki. Love KIRAHA REO TAP-DANCING cause all the hatsubutaisei got to be tap-dancing servants in the first scene of the second act.
Cried for Mihoko, kind of unexpectedly, during the "Leaning on a Lamppost" dream dance thingy.
Saw Eri-kun version of Anna Karenina from the sixth row. Discovered yet more Hoshi babies to love. THEY WERE ALL SO SHIKKARI SHITEIRU AND I WAS IMPRESSED.
Have already spent more money than is probably good for me. Yet more stage photos GET. Alice-chan's Reimei still NOT GET. It's sold out at *both* QRs. SAD FACE. MUST HAVE ALL ALICE STILLS.
...I did get her NSG still though. :D
Um, other than that, mostly just been fangirling with M & E (I wrote it that way in my notebook to save time XD), fun times on MiiMai mae-raku, somewhat sad times today because of raku, etc, etc.
This entry is so mechakucha. And I am so not going back to edit it.