So yesterday my boss called me over to his desk with a note of EXTREME URGENCY in his voice and once I had thus legged it over there sharpish, he proceeded to show me some photos he'd taken of a really angry cat.
And then I went back to taking photos of a book worth £15,000. YEPPP.
A Very, Very, Very Fine House [4/5]
PG, Steve/Tony pre-slash (background Tony/Pepper), post-movie, 14,240 words split into two parts (30,400 words total LIES DOWN AND TIREDLY WEEPS)
The Avengers take initiative. Or, the story of how a group of remarkable people came together to drink cocktails, eat ice-cream and wait for Fury's call.
Title still from Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's Our House, still appropriate.
Steve’s pocket starts to beep and vibrate a couple weeks later, in the middle of the grocery store.