aten't ded yet

Jan 10, 2012 00:04

HELLO 2012. This post has been sitting in a draft in Word for over a week whilst I wrote my reaction post to Sherlock 2x01 at such a shockingly slow pace that the series overtook me and now it seems A BIT POINTLESS. Maybe I’ll just save all my thoughts and feelings on the new series till the finale this Sunday and then let all of my Sherlock-y emotions spew forth upon you all.

Fwiw, I have really enjoyed both episodes despite looking askance at Moffat over a couple of things, but then such is life where Stephen Moffat is concerned. MORE ASKANCE LOOKS THAN YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK AT. Also saw Gay of Shadows again on Sat so right now my heart is aflame with all things Holmesian.


So anyway I for one rang in the new year with theoret, drinking rum and dancing in our bras to Florence + the Machine. Which was a pretty A+ way to begin things, I’d say. If I’m starting as I mean to go on, then I’m golden.

Although then I slipped down theoret’s stairs because rum and darkness. So I started out the new year with a GIANT FUCKING BRUISE ON MY ARSE that lasted practically the entire first week. Hopefully not 100% as I mean to go on.

(Also, we spent new year’s eve watching Street Kings which starred the utterly inexplicable combination of Keanu Reeves, Chris Evans and Hugh Laurie. And it made NO SENSE. I - I don’t think? I mean, Theo and I had not cracked open a great deal of the rum at that point but we do tend to talk over things a lot (especially when Chris Evans) so to this day we are not quite sure if we just missed something really vital or if the plot really was as ridiculously convoluted as we think. Has anyone else seen it?? Clutches brain forever.

At least Keanu and Chris showed off their bare arms a lot though. That was nice.)


In lieu of me waffling on about my Sherlock feelings, here are a couple of silly drawings I drew after each episode. They were both posted on tumblr initially so if we going atumbling together you might have seen them already.

ASKANCE LOOKS AT MOFFAT, god Irene was so hot.

When it was revealed that Sherlock had put something in John's coffee as I'd suspected, I was so torn between pride at my overly suspicious fannish nature paying off versus... disappointment at my overly suspicious fannish nature paying off.

Although also I was pleased that Sherlock really did know how John takes his coffee because come now he should be able to tell it from the collar of John's shirt if not from actually bothering to ever make any coffee himself.

(Also I was pleased that the guy calling his mobile 'cell' was deliberate rather than a really weird dialogue error, because I had sat up and gone WTF WHY IS A MAN OF HIS AGE CALLING HIS MOBILE A CELL THAT MAKES NO SENSE and assumed it was because Gatiss had had a bizarre brainfart or something.)

WHOOPS NOW I AM TALKING ABOUT SHERLOCK DESPITE DECLARING I WASN'T GOING TO. Well in for a penny in for a pound, here too is a post I made on tumblr about Sherlock's MIND PALACE:

I started pondering what kind of palace would house Sherlock’s mind, because we’ve already seen his disdain for Buckingham and he really doesn’t strike me as a Royal Pavilion kind of chap and after those two I was kind of struggling to think of what other palaces there are.


Obviously it is. something big and strange and beautiful, a palace for feats of technology rather than anything as dull as monarchy, all full of light and science.

New personal canon is new and immensely pleased with itself!

GOD I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE. Please please please let there be a third series.

tv: sherlock bbc, fangirlish glee, fan: sherlock holmes, my theo tag is not witty, art

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