the ships are left to rust

Nov 27, 2011 15:16

HELLO. I'm still here, just about. I've been pretty down this uhhh, entire month? and thus suddenly discovered that the emotional disconnect/style over substance that put me off of tumblr in the first place is suddenly immensely appealing when you don't really feel like forming sentences.

So I started working at Waterstones just over a week ago, which is fine/reasonably enjoyable as far as retail jobs go when I'm actually there but when I'm not I hate it with a burning passion. BECAUSE APPARENTLY I AM JUST THAT FICKLE. Really the best thing about it is that I'm getting paid soon, at which point I will get new glasses and actually be able to see properly again. It's the little things.

Here are some silly pictures of Spock, because that is the way I roll these days. (He's not even my favourite character... just, somehow, the most inherently amusing?)

rl: (un)employment, fan: spock is the funniest, fan: star trek perhaps, art, i don't know what else to tag this with

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