I'm graduating on Wednesday! Heading down tomorrow and thus shall be afk for a few days. Hopefully it will be at least slightly fun and not completely awkward seeing all these people I've not spoken to in two and a half months and most of whom will probably never speak to again. If nothing else, HOORAY FOR DRESSING UP LIKE AN ACADEMIC WIZARD!
In other news, there is a bit of an end-of-life hurricane pootling around northern Britain, I'm not sure if it's actually hit yet but it is certainly hella windy all the way down here. So I am on the one hand going omg I hope all my friends and relatives up north will be okay oh dear and on the other hand going WHEEEEEEE IT IS SO WINDY LOOK AT ALL THIS WIND 8D
So I of course expressed the latter emotions through the medium of silly Sherlock drawings. of course.