Halfway through the Half-Blood Prince now. I had forgotten its alternate title was The One Where Harry Is Hilariously Obsessed With Draco Malfoy And All He Does. Lols on skates. I don't even care, Epilogue Of Excessive Marriage, I don't even care.
(I finished off OOTP last night and almost started weeping over HARRY'S MASSIVE PAIN WHEN HE'S SMASHING DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE AFTER SIRIUS DIES just sat there on the sofa next to my parents, it touched me so deeply. Why, Sirius, why ;_; you were too slightly young and slightly handsome to die.)
Tonight my dad and I watched the repeat of the first episode of Sherlock (in high def, unf all those sexy pores), which my dad has never seen before so I spent half the time going 8D at Sherlock and John and the other half going 8D at Dad's reactions to said. He tittered frequently! He said he quite enjoyed it and the hour and a half went by quickly! This is high praise indeed from my dad.
Also he now actually ships me with Benedict Cumberbatch.
BUT TREE HOW DID THIS COME TO PASS? Well, internet, I shall tell you. Yesterday my parents and I wound up having a conversation about how should I ever get married, I'm either going to keep my surname or double-barrel the shit out of my shit. Which if I take the latter route means my potential children are predestined to have an absurdly silly name, as my surname is already quite unusual.
My parents have taken the logical path and started rooting for me to marry a celebrity with an equally unusual surname, so my children will be AS ABSURD AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE but also rich enough that they can go to public school and be surrounded by silly names.
Therefore, Tree/Benedict Cumberbatch OTP. Or you could take my mum's side and ship Tree/Julian Rhind-Tutt. OOOH SHIP WARS. Hopefully one day polygamy will be legalised and then I can marry them both and solve this dispute once and for all.
Oh yes also in my life, I've started a tumblr for taking the Advice Dog flavoured piss out of Rupert Murdoch and it is called
Denial Murdoch. So that has been fun.