aww yis

Jun 17, 2011 22:46

POSSIBLE CONFIRMATION THAT BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH IS VOICING SMAUG IN THE HOBBIT?! brb rolling around the house in delight. Oh Smaug, you have always been my favourite of the dragons *_* Oh Benedict Cumberbatch, you have always been my favourite of the... Cumberbatches.

FOR REASONS KNOWN ONLY UNTO LJ, it won't let include a link to the article with said possible confirmation:


Because I am actually feeling in a reasonably good mood about life (this time next week, I will be home!!) I feel it is time for a new round of

~request drawings from me and I will draw them in the most shittily half-assed way known to man~

It's gonna be so shittily half-assed, guys. SO VERY 8D I might even draw them in Paint.


And whilst uploading shitty doodles, I discovered this in my art folder too. I know not why.

audience participation funtimes, lj is a drunken whore, fan: the hobbit, everything is beautiful & nothing hurts, fan: benedict cumblybatch, make me draw stuff!

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