and the fake blood went kind of green so it looked like we were fighting zombies

Mar 16, 2011 21:48

Set aside half an hour of your day and have a listen to this: Part one, part two, part three. Mark Thomas, an English comedian, tells the tale of how he decided to protest a very silly law (requiring protesters on Parliament Square to apply for permission to protest) by following said law very, very thoroughly. And it is hilarious.


I had my Mass Market Fiction seminar again today. As well as geeking out massively over Sherlock Holmes (and nibbling on the homemade cookies I had brought in (and sipping cups of tea left over from a conference that had taken place in the room before us)), we split up into little groups and mixed up fake blood and CREATED CRIME SCENES ON LARGE SHEETS OF PAPER for the other teams to ~investigate. It involved a lot of standing on chairs and miming death scenes and hitting each other with metre rulers to work out the angle of the blood/wallpaper paste spray.

Yes, yes it was glorious.

Now I am trying to a) come up with an excellent and intriguing crime synopsis for next week's seminar and b) WRITE A FIC ABOUT SHERLOCK BEING A DRAGON AND JOHN BEING A MEDIEVAL EX-KNIGHT* AND OH GOSH IT WILL BE WONDERFUL if only I could work up the energy to stop daydreaming about it and start writing it.

I have a few pages handwritten. That's a start, I guess. Problem is I went for a jog(!!!) yesterday and then have been on my feet all day today (baking cookies and standing on chairs; it's more tiring than you'd think) so now I am mostly just melting into a puddle of sleepiness...


P.S. How much do I love this Jensen Ackles-y interview?
Dean's happy ending: "I think it'd be [Dean] and his brother kind of taking off in the Impala and having things back to Season 1, just doing what they do best and just doing it until they can't do it anymore. Souls intact, everything intact, going out guns blazing."

OH MR ACKLES. My feelings for the show may waver between fond exasperation and throws-hands-in-the-air half the time these days, but my love for you is a forever love ;________; (also didn't Jared once say at a con that he believed Sam had nabbed the amulet? JS, YOU ARE SUCH WINCHESTER FANBOYS and that's okay.)

*Wait, I mean, they are both in a faux Medieval setting. It's not that Sherlock is a modern dragon and John is a Medieval ex-knight who TRAVELS THROUGH TIME. Intriguing though that would be...

those damn winchesters, jensen is my favourite gay now, rl: my ridiculous degree, i don't know what else to tag this with

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