(no subject)

Nov 29, 2010 19:07

So I have been busy and now I am slightly less busy. How are you all? Here is a poll.


IT WAS COLD TODAY AND IT SNOWED AND I WAS WOKEN UP BY A MASSIVE EPIC HOLLYWOOD ROLL OF THUNDER AND LATER ON THERE WAS THUNDER AND LIGHTNING WHILST IT WAS SNOWING HOMG and then I went into the library to do my work and when I came out all the exciting weather had stopped :[ Coldness is a lot less fun without snow and aerial dramatics. S and I were stranded at the bus stop for an hour and half because the buses had been cancelled.

(Before all you used-to-snow-types start sniggering, the buses were cancelled to allow for some heavy duty road-salting after a bus almost rolled back down a hill.)

I am really, really meant to be working but I am so excited over the fact that THIS THING I AM WORKING ON IS THE LAST THING FOR THE TERM that I can't actually concentrate on it. Oops. But guuuuys it's almost over and then I will have a month off to write my creative dissertation at a leisurely pace and also WRITE A SHITLOAD OF FANFIC FUCKING YES.

rl: boring things, surprise weather, poll, fuck yeah

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